Friday, December 3, 2010


I remember vividly the time when I was taking my AFW1300 Money and Capital Markets exam. It was the most terrible feeling I've ever had.

*Before the exam:*

I was struggling. VERY. There were 13 chapters in our text book. I hadn't studied all. I only read through around 7 chapters, if not mistaken. This is a very dangerous situation for me, because in the exam, there would be around 6 questions. "What if all 6 questions come from the chapters that I hadn't touched?" or "What if half of the questions I hadn't studied before".

I cannot fail any of my exam for that semester. If I fail, then my dream to further my studies in Australia would be crushed in pieces. FML! I cannot take any chance. I want to PASS!!!!

Well the night before the exam, I was studying in my room. I was feeling very nervous, so I prayed to God, for guidance and memory. After my prayer, I continued with what I was studying. I felt a sudden urge that I have to study this particular chapter (which I have already studied weeks ago, which I will forget due to nervousness).

Initially, I thought that this was a waste of time! I have already studied that chapter, I want to continue studying other chapters that I haven started with. Deep down I had a feeling God wanted me to revise that chapter. I keep quiet and just followed.

*Exam day:*

I called my mom earlier that day, I told her I wasn't prepared for the paper. I'm scared that I will fail. Actually, I have been calling her for the past few days to tell her how scared and affraid I am of THAT paper. My lovely mom didn't give me any pressure, she just told me to try my best. She didn't even nag or me or anything! *SO LOVELY*

Then, I prayed again before entering the exam hall. Everyone was nervous, because AFW1300 was a pre-requisite subject with a failing rate of approximately 50%. ARGH.

So I sat down at my place and looked at the question paper. "Hmmm, this looks familiar..familiar..familiar.." I thought. The very last question, "OMG THIS WAS THE CHAPTER I STUDIED! The questions were a little bit different from the usual tutorial question, but I studied! I know how to answer!" Proud to say, I did my paper with confident =)

Write...write...write...scribble..scribble...scribble...Punch calculator...

It was a 3-hour closed book exam. I think I finished my paper in about 2-hours. I lift up my head and saw a lot of people still writing, A WHOLE LOT OF ANSWERS. FULL PAGE ESSAYS. I was like, WHAT? I started to become nervous. Did I miss anything?
*Checks answers* I know, I am the type of person who will not walk out of the exam hall earlier. I don't wanna regret in any of my papers. I'm affraid that I'll suddenly think of something that I can jot down in my answer script.

*After the exam:*

I feel so relieved, I thank God for all the guidance and strength and faith I had in Him. I called my mom and told her everything I experience, and baby was there too. The whole thing, from how nervous I was, to how calm it can feel after that, it was unbelievable!

A person who was no hope of passing the paper, in the end got a "D for Distinction"! This is awesome!

Praise God for what he has done.