I'm very happy that we actually enjoyed and treasured the time we spent together. We made the effort to plan for activites and make ourselves available for these activities. We went for movies and went to Joyce house to bake cake, make tang yuan, play wii, make puzzle, try make-up, and play dress up~ It was so so so much fun!! Although Aileen didn't get to join us, we were always say "If Ling were here it would be lagi syok".
I'm sure all of you girls would be busy doing something else if you didn't spare the time to meet up with all of us.
We went CNY shopping together.
We made 汤圆 together. Hope every year we also can gather together, 团团圆圆.
Food tasting time =) *SLURP*
This friendship didn't come easy and we must hold on hard to it. There are alot of people in my life who come and go. Of course, they leave something behind, either footprints or hurtful feelings.
But you girls are not in that category. You girls will always always remain in my heart. All that has pass will remain as our memories (no matter sweet or sorrow), and all that will come, I shall anticipate, and I CAN'T WAIT FOR OUR NEXT GATHERING ALREADY!!!

This friendship didn't come easy and we must hold on hard to it. There are alot of people in my life who come and go. Of course, they leave something behind, either footprints or hurtful feelings.
But you girls are not in that category. You girls will always always remain in my heart. All that has pass will remain as our memories (no matter sweet or sorrow), and all that will come, I shall anticipate, and I CAN'T WAIT FOR OUR NEXT GATHERING ALREADY!!!
Maybe I'm going to Australia dy that's y will become so emotional and post this post here. But, I just wanna say I really love you girls!!!
Like x100000000000000000000000000000000 infinity!!
ReplyDeleteI love you too baby!! ya lor. go overseas dy will jadi makin emotional oh. all the feelings became magnified. Read ur post made my tears rolling in eyes dy. Miss the time we spent together so much oh. Although we should be very busy for all our families but we still try to make time for each other coz all of us clearly knows that we have to appreciate every single moment we have for this friendship. coz after we graduate, then we work, we have families probably we wont gather as much as now. That time maybe ven at kl, ling at tawau/sg, sarah at brissy, u probably go kl or somewhere then hard to gather like now dy. coz now we are student right, got semester break n so on. I miss you girls a lot. And you all are the most important friends in my life. all the ups and downs, whenever i wanna text somebody, you girls are the first in my messaging list. =)
Next gathering??