Sunday, May 22, 2011

Amazing II

I received a sad news yesterday. That was the first call from baby. Baby said he cannot come to Australia to study anymore. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I wasn't ready for this, as we have been planning on his arrival and others more. The news hit be badly.

Then, baby went out to talk with his dad. He is not my dad, and I don't have time to bug him or his dad forever. So, I'm sure this is my final chance, to put all my faith to believe in Jesus. I did my final prayer on this matter, said that I'll leaving everything onto Jesus, and that I don't have to worry about anything already.

True enough. I called baby after a moment. And guess what, he can come study in Australia!

Oh Lord Jesus, thanks for answering my prayer.

I'm sure alot of people will think that this is ridiculous, God doesn't answer prayers in minutes. Well, firstly, I have been praying on this matter. Secondly, miracles do happen.

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